Attached is a sample file programmed with the functionality described below. Please be aware, only two buttons were programmed, button labeled “100” and the button labeled “0”.
We created a variable for the keypad called “Keypad Scene” that will drive whether the LED on a button will be lit or not. It has default value “LED OFF” which will have none of the button LEDs on in the keypad. It will also have a state per button label (100,75,50,25,0). All buttons will be conditional.
For button 100, we have created a scene in the Actions tab called “LED Scene 100” where the only action in this scene will be putting the variable Keypad Scene on state 100. This action will never be called from a button press, however, we use it on the LED logic. LED logic is set to “Scene” based on the LED Scene 100 action. So whenever the action is true (or the Keypad Scene variable is at state 100) the LED on this button will be on.
We created another action called LED Blink. This action calls a sequence called scene 100. Step one is called LED on, has the Keypad Scene variable at 100 and will go to the next step after a second. The second step is called LED off, it changes the Keypad Scene variable to state LED Off. The stop tab has programming to terminate the sequence after 15 seconds (this amount was arbitrarily chosen by us for testing purposes. This time should be the amount of time you want the scenes to fade). At the stop sequence, we set the Keypad Scene variable to 100 in order to have the LED on that button stay lit as long as the scene is true.
We created a last action in the button called “Lights Fade to 100”. Which has the lights in the area going to 100% (our scene) and a 15 second (arbitrary) fade time.
On the press tab of the button, we call the action LED Blink, then we call the action Lights Fade to 100. The LED in the button will blink as the lights fade, and when the lights are at their scene level, the LED will stay on.
The button labeled 0 is programmed the same way as the button 100, except for using the variable 0 instead of 100 and setting the lights to 0% instead of 100%.
You can copy and paste the first button you program then change values and add sequences for faster programming.