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Thread: Problems Lutron App Lockout- Need to reset proc- Multiple Jobs

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2013

    Exclamation Problems Lutron App Lockout- Need to reset proc- Multiple Jobs

    Having issues were the lutron app will not connect to the system from away or home. Customer would call in saying they can not control there system from ipad. We would have to vpn in to there system and do a reset on proc in order to get it back up and running. Any one else experiencing these issues?

  2. #2
    Authorized Lutron Contributor
    Join Date
    May 2013
    For app connection issues; it may be best to send Lutron a support file from the device having issues connecting locally or remotely.

    If a customer is having issues with the Android app, have them use the "Send Feedback" option in the application's menu. It will automatically create an email with their system information and log files attached addressed to so the engineering team can analyze it. Please also write a detailed description of the issue in the email.

    In order to provide us a support file from an iOS device, please go to the system page and click on the 'i' and choose the option to "send feedback". On the email created, please ensure you add so the engineering team can analyze it. Please also write a detailed description of the issue in the email.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2013

    Exclamation VPN lockout

    Quote Originally Posted by hometechinc View Post
    Having issues were the lutron app will not connect to the system from away or home. Customer would call in saying they can not control there system from ipad. We would have to vpn in to there system and do a reset on proc in order to get it back up and running. Any one else experiencing these issues?
    Found this to be an issue on all my jobs. Customer is not able to get in to Ipad or android app. When I try and vpn to system it does not allow me to connect to system. I will go to the jobsite and try and connect to system from there and still same issue. Once I reboot the proc I am Able to get access. This is happening on most of all my jobs.

  4. #4
    Authorized Lutron Contributor
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Thank you for the update. To best help determine the cause of these connection issues, we would recommend sending the app support files to us, and also a system support file to review the processor event logs. In order to gather a support file from the system, please go to "help->support->create support file." Please email the file to for further review, and reference this forum post. If you are gathering a support file remotely, please also collect the processor event logs using the following steps:

    1. In the HomeWorks QS software at the top of the screen, go to the Tools option and click "Terminal"
    2. Connect to a processor on the system by selecting it from the top drop-down menu. Select the "Connect" button
    3. In the "Enter a command…" box at the bottom of the window, send the following command "printeventlog,7000,usenames" (Note: it may take up to a minute for the processor to communicate its response to the Terminal)
    4. Send the command "getsyscoderevs" (Note: it may take up to a minute for this command to process as well)
    5. Right-click on the Terminal output and select "Save Log" to save the file on your computer
    6. Repeat steps 2 through 5 for each processor on the system

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