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Thread: QED shades with wireless integration

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Jul 2014

    QED shades with wireless integration

    Are there some simple options available for bringing the QED roller 64 shades up to wireless integration? I have dozens of QED roller shades installed already. I am not sure what the difference is between QS and QED other than QS may not have been an option about 5 years ago when these windows were done.
    Considering 3 systems: RadioRA2, Homeworks QS, and Caseta (Smart Bridge). I am looking for the best solution that would enable any or all of the systems to work. It's better if one solution would fulfill all of them. I'd also like the shades to work with the Pico controllers standalone even without a system integration. Here I will list the options I have explored. I expect that I am either missing some options or may not be aware of the best solution.

    1) Use a Lutron Sivoia Wireless Receiver (QSYC4-RCVR) on each unit plugged in where the IR receiver normally goes. Are these compatible with QED? Setup the receiver to accept the pico remote. If this method works, is there a setup guide for the receiver?

    2) Use a Lutron QS wireless power supply link (QSPS-P1-1-50) and connect power and controls the QED EDU. Set up the power supply link to work with pico remote.

    3) Use a Lutron QS sensor module (QSM2-4W-C) which provides control of the shades through a pico remote. If this method works, is there a setup guide for QED?

    4) Use a Lutron QS keypad (QSWS2-5BRLI-WH) and program it to receive a pico remote. Does this require a system integration first before a pico remote will work?

    What is the difference between a Sivoia QS wireless 64 roller shade and a Sivoia QED 64 roller shade? Is the wireless receiver built into the EDU for the QS wireless shade? What is the main application for the QSYC4-RCVR? Is it to make the QS wired system wireless? I cannot find a document that says it works with QED.

    Are there other methods that I should consider? Would the Lutron smart bridge be able to communicate with any of these?

  2. #2
    Authorized Lutron Contributor
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    Jun 2013
    Sivoia QED is an older shading system than Sivoia QS, and does not directly talk to the QS systems (RadioRA2, Homeworks QS, Caseta).

    QED would be controlled through the SVQ-CCI-8 contact closure board. This can be done from contact closure outputs from either RadioRA2 or Homeworks QS. We can not do any sort of direct RF control in this pre-existing QED system.

    The other components that you mention (QSYC4-RCVR, PICO, and QSWS2 wired keypad) are all compatible with Sivoia QS shades, not Sivoia QED.

    In the Caseta line, the "Smart Bridge" talks to Serena shades, and the "Smart Bridge Pro" talks to Serena, Triathlon, and Sivoia QS Wireless shades.

  3. #3
    There is a third party device called "shade control for lutron sivoia QED". There may be a way to integrate it with your overall system.

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  5. #4
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    Tim - Thanks for the info on the SVQ-CCI-8 contact closure board. It looks like a 2-step process: expose the control of QED EDU to the contact closure breakout and then connect that with some other RA2 or QS device like the visor control receiver or Switch Closure Interface (RA-SCI). I wouldn't be opposed to that solution if it were more elegant and easier to put out of sight. I'm thinking of another option, and would like to know if many folks with QED have done this.

    1) Replace all the QED EDUs with QS wireless EDUs. Are the tubes going to work out perfectly? Roller 64. Do the Sivoia QS wireless EDUs have to use that RCVR wand or is the wireless circuit in the EDU and only an antenna is exposed?

    2) Replace all shades with new QS wireless shades. Are these the same high-end quality of the QED shades? Same quiet drive? It looks like the QS systems all fit in the same bracket hardware. Order and drop in.

    Does Lutron have an upgrade path on the QED system that is considered the official way? Is it better to replace the old system entirely?

    az1234 - Thanks for calling out my attention to the autelis system. It is good to be aware of these other boxes for control of more than just shades. For the shades, I think there will be too many of them and would not want to hook up so many boxes to ethernet. I'd rather buy new systems if the old has been left for dead. If redoing, it may be time to survey the other brands since it seems that there has not been a real support path for QED for wireless unless mistaken. Any other ideas?

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  7. #5
    Authorized Lutron Contributor
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    The system control is more flexible if the drives are converted to QS.

    1) Order QS roller64 drives.

    2) Replace the QED 24VAC power supply or supplies with QS 24VDC supplies.

    3) For wireless QS shades, you would add a QSYC4-RCVR antenna to each shade drive.

    This would be the best way to upgrade. You would retain the existing wiring, brackets, shade tubes, and idlers. When done, this setup can be an integral part of RadioRA2, HomeworksQS, or controlled directly from a PICO control.

  8. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by plazma View Post
    For the shades, I think there will be too many of them and would not want to hook up so many boxes to ethernet.
    Not sure what you mean. Is the problem that your QED shades are not all homerun networked together? If they are then only 1 box is required. You could then link button presses to shade actions from RA2.

    If you're willing to pay the cost to upgrade the motors then naturally that will give you the most seamless integration.
    Last edited by Kevin P.; 07-11-2014 at 10:42 AM. Reason: Terms of Use Violation

  9. #7
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tim S. View Post
    The system control is more flexible if the drives are converted to QS.

    1) Order QS roller64 drives.

    2) Replace the QED 24VAC power supply or supplies with QS 24VDC supplies.

    3) For wireless QS shades, you would add a QSYC4-RCVR antenna to each shade drive.

    This would be the best way to upgrade. You would retain the existing wiring, brackets, shade tubes, and idlers. When done, this setup can be an integral part of RadioRA2, HomeworksQS, or controlled directly from a PICO control.
    Tim- when I priced this sort of upgrade for a QED client we were looking to flip to a QS system, it appeared that the cost to replace all of the drives and power panels was only marginally less than selling a complete system with new fabric, shade tubes, brackets, etc. Do you think we miscalculated the costs, or would you expect a drive upgrade to cost 80-90% of a complete system?

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