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Thread: Old iPhone app stops working after processor replacement

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Old iPhone app stops working after processor replacement

    I had been using the original iPhone app successfully with HWI version 1.65 until my processor H8p5-mi-120 took a power surge. I had the processor replaced and uploaded the database file that had been in use at the time of the surge. Everything works fine now with the basic Lutron system. I can upload the database with the HWI software successfully and we finally have lights again.

    However, now the iPhone app has stopped connecting. I can FTP and Telnet into the processor on my home LAN, but the iPhone can't. I get an error message "Connection Time Out. Failed to connect to the Lutron processor".

    Does anyone have any ideas why the app would stop connecting when I am using the same software version and database? The only thing that changed was a new (same model) processor. Could some firmware setting that I have no access to have changed?

    Thanks for any ideas.

  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    check if the I.P to processor has change. This has happen to me don't know how it happen but I've had the I.P change on processor after updating.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by mikie1231 View Post
    check if the I.P to processor has change. This has happen to me don't know how it happen but I've had the I.P change on processor after updating.
    Thanks for the thought, but I do keep the IP static. I think part of the problem originally might have been a corrupt password... that was resolved and the system works fine on the local lan.

    Final problem, not resolved, is that I had used to port forward so I could use the app out of the house, and that stopped working.

    I could not get in from outside via Telnet or FTP, while I COULD on the local lan. Of course that probably isn't the app, but my router. Never did track it down. Although it was working fine before... I did try changing ports but no luck.

    Finally set up a VPN for the home lan and now can use the app both in and outside the house...

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