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Thread: Conditional Timeclock to Close Garage Door if Left Open

  1. #1
    Authorized Lutron Contributor
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Conditional Timeclock to Close Garage Door if Left Open

    We had a dealer ask how to program a timeclock to close a garage door via a pulsed CCO if it was left open at night. The door would provide a maintained contact closure if the door was open. We thought the sample program would benefit the forum community.

    We have the VCRX in the project with a pulsed CCO and a variable called “Garage Door” with default state “Closed” and other state “Open”. On the programming screen, when input 1 is closed for the VCRX, the variable will change to “open” and when the output is open, the door will change to “closed”.

    We then program a conditional timeclock event for 10:00pm. We reference the variable, if the variable is set to open, a scene will run to pulse the CCO and close the garage door.
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  2. #2
    That was actually my request. Thanks for the info. I definitely need alittle more "training" with regards to variables and working with contact closures (on keypads as well). Are there any online videos / tutorials that I can review. If you don't use it all the time, you lose it. Thanks again

  3. #3
    A little off topic but has anyone heard of any liability issues with the garage door inadvertently closing on something because no one was monitoring the close action? This had me a little worried on a previous project with this request.


  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    May 2014
    GDO have photo cell that prevent the door from closing if something breaks the beam so I wouldn't worry to much about it. We normally instal alarm conacts connected to IO's to provide the current state with feedback displayed on touch panels.
    Danbury, CT

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Garage door.pdf
    Quote Originally Posted by vining View Post
    GDO have photo cell that prevent the door from closing if something breaks the beam so I wouldn't worry to much about it. We normally instal alarm conacts connected to IO's to provide the current state with feedback displayed on touch panels.

    The real issue with a residential door is that it does not use your normal open/close/stop wiring as in motor control where the stops are in series . Although a set of alarm contacts proves if the door is full open or full close. When the door is stopped in the middle position there is no way of telling it which way to move. It will always move the opposite of the last movement. Unlike a commercial door where you have the ability to send the door in a certain direction. This sometimes could be a problem requiring 2 button presses to get the door where you want it. There are certain residential doors that have the ability to drive a certain direction. Certain Lift Master Models are nice to work with. See drawing

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    How often have you seen a resi GD in a midway position? If you use an alarm contact to evaluate if closed you could also re-evalute after initiating a pulse after a short wait time and if not in the desired state pulse a second time and then another wait for a 3rd eval and if it still not in the proper state send an email, sms or pop up a message on a touch panel.
    Danbury, CT

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    You could do all of the above. I just like proving where the door is off of the opener. I have always had them dam contacts that snap on the garage door track get knocked off or hit by something. Having 2 contacts does work and yes you could write all that logic. Im very familiar with flipping icon on the TP to show the door either open or close. We have in the past installed 2 sets of contacts and proved the door open or close. Im not so sure I personally would be comfortable writing logic to drive a door if it was unintenional to set my stays correctly.

  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    These are the contacts I typically use for GD's, pretty durable but of course like anything they can be abused or knocked off but 99% of the time they just work. Then given the fact that 99% of the time the door will be open or closed not somewhere in between I don't bother with a second contact. It's either closed or its not. If it doesn't work 1% of the time because some one left it at a midway point that's fine, it's just a GD and if you look at your TP after you push a button to open or close and your feedback doesn't indicate the appropriate state they can push the button again and all is good for that 1% of the time that there would be an issue.
    Danbury, CT

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