Anybody come up with good solutions for tying in humidistats for override control on bath exhaust fans? Here in California it is code now that fans be run via humidity sensor that turns them on when moisture is too high. Panasonic makes one with it built in, but the problem with that is you can't then elect to turn in on to exhaust odors. I have one of these on order to experiment with integration via CC to back of adjacent keypad (with fan load run back to RPM), to see if I can get best of both worlds:
I'm just curious if anyone has a better idea. The problem with the above is that it requires an outdoor sensor wired to it (to check relative humidity) and requires 24 vAC to power it so no hopping a ride on the keypad power.... Would certainly vote for some kind of humidistat as an offering from Lutron. Could be other great uses like HVAC control for wine storage. :)