Authorized Lutron Contributor
Establishing a Telnet Connection to the Main Repeater
A dealer had asked us for a way to send integration commands directly to the Main Repeater via Ethernet. We thought the information would be useful to share in the forum.
In order to send the Main Repeater advanced integration commands, you must first establish a telnet session with the Main Repeater. The steps below will describe how to connect to the Main Repeater via Telnet:
• Open the command line or terminal in your computer. For example, for windows 7, you may click start and on the search bar, type 'cmd' and press enter. For windows XP, click on start->Run-> type 'cmd' and press enter
• On the command line, type "telnet xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx" where the 'x's represent the IP address the main repeater is using to connect to your machine (see it in the "find main repeater" screen).
- If you do not have telnet enabled in your machine, please enable it by going to the Control Panel and then to Programs and Features. It is a feature called "Telnet Client".
• It will prompt you for login and password. Login: "lutron" password: "integration"
• Once logged in, you may write commands on the prompt to verify or change the status of the system.
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Sunset / sunrise clock times
This is very helpful for cuing the processor for its astro clock.
I am not as dumb as you look..
What is the sunset time command ?
I am not as dumb as you look..
Authorized Lutron Contributor
If you send the command "getsunset" you will get the sunset time for that day.
Getsunrise is my other fav, gettime, what are the other favorites?
I am not as dumb as you look..
This is great. I somehow missed the list of integration commands possible once a telnet session is established. Is it found somewhere in MyLutron?
Authorized Lutron Contributor
For a list of telnet commands you can establish a telnet connection to the main repeater and send the command "??".
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I'm just wondering what's the commands to trigger Phantom Button 98 and 99.
I'm trying to integrate the Main Repeater with Honeywell Vista 128BPT security alarm panel, I followed the Application note #451 for Radio Ra2 and security alarm panel, when the alarm set off all my exterior lights should flash.
Unfortunately I set off the alarm and nothing happen. Trying to figuring out it's problem on the Radio Ra2 or Vista 128BPT side.
Thank you!
Authorized Lutron Contributor
A button press is what triggers these phantom buttons. In the RA2 software can you verify that the button type for buttons 98 and 99 are set to be "security mode" and that your loads that are assigned to these buttons are programmed to flash?