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Thread: IR Commands

  1. #1
    Authorized Lutron Contributor
    Join Date
    May 2013

    IR Commands

    We had a question from a dealer about IR compatibility in HomeWorks QS. We thought the following information was useful to share with the forum community:

    The wired HQWD-W5BIR keypad and the Grafik Eye QS will have a programmable IR sensor in them.

    In the program tab of the software, you can select those devices and there will be an additional probrammable IR tab. In it you will see the command the IR device would need to send, the name given to that command, and the input number (consider it a button number for integration purposes) for that command.

  2. #2
    Can the QSE-IR-WH be used with HomeWorks QS wired to the QS Link? It doesn't seem to be in the Tool Box. Does it have a serial number on it? With HW Illumination we had a few options to use for IR (CCI-8 etc). It would be nice to have a low-cost IR receiver which could be installed at an A/V equipment rack.

  3. #3
    Authorized Lutron Contributor
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    May 2013
    Unfortunately the QSE-IR is not available for the HomeWorks QS system. Thank you for this feedback.

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Feb 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Armando B. View Post
    We had a question from a dealer about IR compatibility in HomeWorks QS. We thought the following information was useful to share with the forum community:

    The wired HQWD-W5BIR keypad and the Grafik Eye QS will have a programmable IR sensor in them.

    In the program tab of the software, you can select those devices and there will be an additional probrammable IR tab. In it you will see the command the IR device would need to send, the name given to that command, and the input number (consider it a button number for integration purposes) for that command.
    Sorry to pull up an old thread, but how do the IR commands correlate with the keypad buttons on the seeTouch keypads that have IR receivers?

  5. #5
    Authorized Lutron Contributor
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    Jun 2013
    The IR commands would be programmed seperately from the buttons on a 5 button IR keypad or a GrafikQS unit. think of it as a seperate 8 scene + off keypad. Select the keypad and click on the IR tab in programming to see the exact commands.

  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tim S. View Post
    The IR commands would be programmed seperately from the buttons on a 5 button IR keypad or a GrafikQS unit. think of it as a seperate 8 scene + off keypad. Select the keypad and click on the IR tab in programming to see the exact commands.
    Tim, Thanks for your response. Can you point me to what software I would use to program it?

  7. #7
    Authorized Lutron Contributor
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    Jun 2013
    This application would be for the Homeworks QS system. If you have a stand-alone QS Shade application with an IR keypad, the IR commands would mimic the keypad button commands.

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