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Thread: 3rd Party Control feedback?

  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2013

    3rd Party Control feedback?

    I've cobbled together 232 control of an audio system with a series 4 processor where the only control interfaces for audio are web keypads viewed on the LHC+ app. I'm happy with the overall result but there is no LED feedback. I'd like to confirm whether the system is on or off with LED feedback on discrete ON and OFF web buttons. Is this something I can fake with a variable or condition? I believe the 3rd party device will acknowledge a good command but I'm not sure that the series 4 processor can receive that sort of info on the 232 port.

    Any input is appreciated!

  2. #2
    Authorized Lutron Contributor
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Attached is a sample project file of an application with third party control enforcing LED feedback via variable states. There is a button called audio that will work as an advanced toggle for a third party driver command from on to off. We have also created a variable called Audio with states "Off" and "On" and assigned it to the button as well. The LED will be on when the button is pressed to send the third party system On command and the variable will be on the On state as well.
    Attached Files Attached Files

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  4. #3
    Senior Member
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    Sep 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Armando B. View Post
    Attached is a sample project file of an application with third party control enforcing LED feedback via variable states. There is a button called audio that will work as an advanced toggle for a third party driver command from on to off. We have also created a variable called Audio with states "Off" and "On" and assigned it to the button as well. The LED will be on when the button is pressed to send the third party system On command and the variable will be on the On state as well.
    Thank you Armando- I started messing around with variables and conditionals and it has started to gel. I appreciate the sample program, it's always interesting to see how others accomplish advanced programming.

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