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Thread: 2Link Circuit selector version for Homeworks QS available ?

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Feb 2014

    2Link Circuit selector version for Homeworks QS available ?

    I wonder if there is already a solution available for a 2Link Circuit selector (CS) version for Homeworks QS ?
    For some projects we need to have the Link B of the CS as DMX-Input for a very flexible merger function.
    It is needed sometimes i.e. on cruise vessels to combine the HW-QS as a house light system
    with a third party theatre system.
    With the former HW Illumination it was very easy directly on bidirectional MI-link.
    As well as the CS has a lot of setting possibilities already "on board" for modifications and system diagnostics
    before the HW-QS processors are activated.
    The CS is a bit tricky to handle specially if you have a lot of CS, but it works !
    In the moment it only possible with a bit complicate and expensive way via QSE-CI-DMX on Link A as DMX
    And all settings in CS have to be done manually !

  2. #2
    Authorized Lutron Contributor
    Join Date
    May 2013
    The circuit selector is not compatible with the HomeWorks QS system at this point. Thank you for this feedback.

    As you mention, the QSE-CI-DMX interface can be used to controlled DMX outputs on the HomeWorks QS system. It will sit on the QS link. Attached is our user guide for the DMX interface in HomeWorks QS.
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  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    DMX Input for Homeworks QS ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Armando B. View Post
    The circuit selector is not compatible with the HomeWorks QS system at this point. Thank you for this feedback.

    As you mention, the QSE-CI-DMX interface can be used to controlled DMX outputs on the HomeWorks QS system. It will sit on the QS link. Attached is our user guide for the DMX interface in HomeWorks QS.
    Thanks for that quick reply, Armando.
    It is well known that the CS actually is not compatible with HW-QS.
    My intention is to know if or when will be a new compatible version of the CS available ?
    Or maybe a new MI with similar attributes to CS ?
    Or is there another way of handling DMX-Input with the HW-QS, i.e. with a new Interface similar to QSE-CI-DMX but as DMX-Input or - even better - bidirectonal ?
    Positively I have to say the HW-QS is already the better alternative to the also good HW-Illumination ... and christmas was last year, but ....

    By the way : The QSE-CI-DMX has in standard max. 32 DMX-channels output. This is mostly not enough for our applications.
    And merging several QSE-CI-DMX is quite expensive. So, are there any news/updates ?

  4. #4
    Authorized Lutron Contributor
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    At this time, there is no planned timeline as to when the CS will be available in HomeWorks QS nor is there another way to control DMX outputs in HWQS outside the QSE-CI-DMX functionality. Thank you for this feedback and the use cases provided.

  5. #5
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    Saw this old post....

    I was wondering what you were able to use as a work-around for getting DMX inputs to HWQS? It seems there is still no in-the-box solution from Lutron, unless you use Quantum.

    Quote Originally Posted by eickhoff View Post
    I wonder if there is already a solution available for a 2Link Circuit selector (CS) version for Homeworks QS ?
    For some projects we need to have the Link B of the CS as DMX-Input for a very flexible merger function.
    It is needed sometimes i.e. on cruise vessels to combine the HW-QS as a house light system
    with a third party theatre system.
    With the former HW Illumination it was very easy directly on bidirectional MI-link.
    As well as the CS has a lot of setting possibilities already "on board" for modifications and system diagnostics
    before the HW-QS processors are activated.
    The CS is a bit tricky to handle specially if you have a lot of CS, but it works !
    In the moment it only possible with a bit complicate and expensive way via QSE-CI-DMX on Link A as DMX
    And all settings in CS have to be done manually !

  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    DMX Input for Homeworks QS ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike R. View Post
    I was wondering what you were able to use as a work-around for getting DMX inputs to HWQS? It seems there is still no in-the-box solution from Lutron, unless you use Quantum.
    We solved it for some projects with HW-QS and 2-Link CS in the way that we control the CS on both links with DMX !
    Link A gets DMX from HW-QS via QSE-CI-DMX and Link B gets DMX from 3rd party (Stage light / Disco).
    To avoid setting the CS by hand, we developed a hardware tool to program the CS seperately via Excel-VBA and loadlists!
    What I said earlier, it is a bit more tricky, but it works, and it is flexible to handle.
    We do not use Quantum because the other advantages of HW-QS in general are - until today - the reason for our decision.
    (flexibility and - of course - price)
    On the other hand we see more and more the tendency to control (and monitor) light by bidirectional bus lines (i.e. DALI)
    in connection with smart integrated 3rd party solutions.
    So the need for that CS goes down slowly - we will see -
    But we are still hoping for an integrated solution from Lutron inclusive some more "smart" up-to-date solutions.

  7. #7
    Junior Member
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    Thanks for responding.

    I agree that Lutron needs to be better about providing inclusive solutions for outside-the-box thinkers. It's not like they don't have the technology. They just don't like to share across platform lines. Thanks for the tip.

    Quote Originally Posted by eickhoff View Post
    We solved it for some projects with HW-QS and 2-Link CS in the way that we control the CS on both links with DMX !
    Link A gets DMX from HW-QS via QSE-CI-DMX and Link B gets DMX from 3rd party (Stage light / Disco).
    To avoid setting the CS by hand, we developed a hardware tool to program the CS seperately via Excel-VBA and loadlists!
    What I said earlier, it is a bit more tricky, but it works, and it is flexible to handle.
    We do not use Quantum because the other advantages of HW-QS in general are - until today - the reason for our decision.
    (flexibility and - of course - price)
    On the other hand we see more and more the tendency to control (and monitor) light by bidirectional bus lines (i.e. DALI)
    in connection with smart integrated 3rd party solutions.
    So the need for that CS goes down slowly - we will see -
    But we are still hoping for an integrated solution from Lutron inclusive some more "smart" up-to-date solutions.

  8. #8
    Junior Member
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    Could you elaborate a little more on this configuration? I have just run into a similar situation, where we have been asked to take over, and replace a failed GRX-6000 system with a DMX stage board input. Currently we do not do Quantum, but tons of HW-QS. The client would like to replace only what is necessary, all the GP and LP panels seem fully functional.

    Am I reading this right that you are sending DMX only out of HW-QS to Link A on a 2 link CS, as the "interface" between HW-QS and GRX panels? and mixing the stage DMX in on Link B? This cannot give you any actual load monitoring correct? As DMX here is 1 way. So any feed back, LED or any other would only be for "command sent" at best, right? Still this may be one option for us.

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