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Thread: basic Caseta dimmer quesion

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Sep 2017

    basic Caseta dimmer quesion

    Here's a scenario for Caseta in-wall dimmer:
    I use the "on" button on the dimmer to turn on to 100%,
    then use the down (dim) button to set it to about 50%.
    then use the off button to turn off.

    Now the light is off. If I now touch the up ( brighten button), what is the light level - 50% or 100% ?



  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Jun 2013
    It will start at 1% and move up from there. Check the PD-5NE-WH. Has a favorite button in the middle that is default at 50%.
    Simple automation when DIY isn't working

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    May 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by MRPRO View Post
    Here's a scenario for Caseta in-wall dimmer:
    I use the "on" button on the dimmer to turn on to 100%,
    then use the down (dim) button to set it to about 50%.
    then use the off button to turn off.

    Now the light is off. If I now touch the up ( brighten button), what is the light level - 50% or 100% ?
    When off, if you press the up button, it will start from 1%, unless you have set the minimum level also known as trim level higher (This is an advanced function). Keep pressing it to increase the level.

    Pressing the favorites button will bring it to 50%, which is the default setting. You may program in a different level by adjusting the dimmer to the level you want, then press the favorites button for 6 seconds at which point the LEDs on the dimmer will flash.

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Sep 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by davisadm View Post
    When off, if you press the up button, it will start from 1%, unless you have set the minimum level also known as trim level higher (This is an advanced function). Keep pressing it to increase the level.

    Pressing the favorites button will bring it to 50%, which is the default setting. You may program in a different level by adjusting the dimmer to the level you want, then press the favorites button for 6 seconds at which point the LEDs on the dimmer will flash.
    Unfortunately, the favorites button is only available on the Pico, or the $99.95 PD-5NE-WH.
    When will they remedy that ? Probably easy for them to allow the up arrow as a favorite, for the PD-6WCL-WH, w a firmware change.

    I'm surprised no one has hacked into these yet and made that change

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