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Thread: CCI toggle on a keypad

  1. #1
    Authorized Lutron Contributor
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    CCI toggle on a keypad

    We received this question from a customer and thought others might be interested in the topic:

    I’m considering using the switch input closure CCI to toggle a variable - is this possible? The desired result would be a momentary push button where on the first push, a scene is turned on, and then on the second push, a scene is turned off.

    Yes - this is possible. You would need to set the button type on the input to "Toggle" and then program the variable states to the "Press On" and "Press Off" actions as you normally would. The LED logic on the CCI would depend on the application, but in the attached example, it is set to "Scene."
    Attached Files Attached Files

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