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Thread: Chronos ignores GrafikEye and some Dimmer commands

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2017

    Question Chronos ignores GrafikEye and some Dimmer commands

    Hey - My Radio RA system has worked great for 17 years. I have a chronos with two RA systems and 8 Grafikeyes. I also use the Chronos to talk to my whole home automation system I have been installing over the last maybe 10 years. I wrote a driver to talk to the Chronos to turn on and off lighting zones, etc and to report back status of the various items.

    Recently, the Chronos stopped executing commands such as SGS, set grafikeye scene, and SDL, set dimmer level. It still responds with ZMP, zone map, LZC, local zone change for example. In other words, the grafik eyes and dimmers respond to local controls from button pushes and time clock functions, but the Chronos ignores external commands to control those same devices. The Chronos still reports changes and status information, but ignores commands to change things. These commands have been working flawlessly for 5 years or maybe more. I forget. There was no system change that I am aware of that triggered this. My driver is still working it seems. I can see the commands go in to the Chronos, the RX light flashes, but then it does nothing.

    I've tried rebooting the chronos. I've of course rebooted the external controller. The Chronos and the controller communicate without errors - ie all the commands appear correct with no flakyness. It is like the Chronos is just selectively ignoring those commands.

    To be clear - the Chronos still controls various zones on its own - it still has them all registered. It can control the devices, it just won't when I send it the command to do so. If I execute a master button press from RA control pad - things work fine. When the timeclock function triggers a scene, it controls the zones.

    Selective failures are weird. The Chronos seems to be otherwise fine. The RS232 communication appears flawless.

    Any ideas?

    Thank you for your help in advance...cathleen

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Hello cathleen,
    Thank you for your post.
    Are you able to replicate the issue if you send the commands from a computer rather than the 3rd party? If so then you can try resetting the Chronos. This will require a setup of the system though. Page 102 -
    If the issue remains after the reset then the Chronos is probably defective and needs replaced. You can then contact to see about getting a replacement.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Blair S. View Post
    Hello cathleen,
    Thank you for your post.
    Are you able to replicate the issue if you send the commands from a computer rather than the 3rd party? If so then you can try resetting the Chronos. This will require a setup of the system though. Page 102 -
    If the issue remains after the reset then the Chronos is probably defective and needs replaced. You can then contact to see about getting a replacement.
    Thanks for responding. Well that is the rub - When I send commands directly, the cronos responds correctly. So I'm thinking that, even though I didn't knowingly change the driver, it must be the culprit. When I figure it out I'll post the resolution. I'd like to avoid having to reset and reprogram the chronos, though it may be necessary.

    Thanks! ...cathleen

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