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Thread: HWI conditional raise/lower RF keypad bug?

  1. #1

    HWI conditional raise/lower RF keypad bug?

    Are there any know issues with the use of raise/lower preset in conditional statements for RF keypads in HWI 1.65? I have the exact same functionality working on a wired and phantom keypads without any issues. The RF subsystem stops talking with the main process after executing a raise or lower preset in a conditional statement (key pad LED's waterfall after executing). The RF keypad doesn't appear to be an issue. I get the same result on all RF keypads in system and they work great for any other programming action or mode. I can cause the same system crash by simulating a keypad press, release or hold sending by keypad command from the terminal window . I tried moving the raise into the conditional press action, but had the same result, RF hung and no longer to communicate with system, H8P5-H48-120. Funny thing, the terminal continues to see keypad button pushes and releases, even though the RF keypad can't see processor (waterfall LEDs). See hold picture for command that is crashing P5. Thanks in advance for any help. -joe
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Keypad.jpg   Release.jpg   Hold.jpg   double-tap.jpg  

  2. #2
    one more bit of information. Conditional raise/lower presets work fine on the RF keypads, HRT-6LRL-C, in the same system using the exact same code that crashes the RF link on a STRD-3BRL keypad.

  3. #3
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Hello jnardone_pdx,
    Thank you for your post.
    Please send a support file to and I can start to look into this problem.
    Last edited by Blair S.; 06-27-2017 at 04:33 PM.

  4. #4
    is the email correct? your server bounced my email. also, note that I had to remove the conditional raise/lower from the STRD-3BRL RF keypads as noted in the issue above. Let me know if you need the support files to reflect the system when it is failing or with the minor update that puts those buttons on phantom keypad. Thanks Blair.

  5. #5

  6. #6

    Will update thread when/if issues resolved

    Thanks Blair. Support Files Sent. I'll update thread if I resolve issue. -joe

    Quote Originally Posted by Blair S. View Post
    Hello jnardone_pdx,
    Thank you for your post.
    Please send a support file to and I can start to look into this problem.

  7. #7
    Blair, it is coming up on 4 months since I originally submitted this issue and have not received any feedback on the last submission. Was Lutron support team able to duplicate failure with the STRD-3BRL RF keypads? I've removed the raise/dim feature from the RF keypads as work around, but would have liked to make all keypads consistent since hardwired keypads exhibit no problems.

  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    May 2013
    Hello jnardone_pdx,
    Please send a reply to Please ensure you are including the case number as we will need this to follow up with you on this case.

  9. #9
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