Hi there
When using a setsquare PIR to trigger a load on a RPM 4U from a cci on a Seetouch keypad where is it possible to programme the amount of time the load stays on for when the PIR is activated as there is no time settings on the PIR itself? The load currently flicks on and off?
Instead of having a zone turn on when the CCI is closed, you could program the CCI to start a sequence that turns on a scene for an arbitrary ammount of time then turns it off.
you could make the cci input a dual action button then on a close lights on and on a open lights off and set the delay of time you want to stay on before lights off . When a new trigger comes in from pir it will set lights to on and restart delay. I believe that might be the simplest solution
Thanks for this works great, however I need to now programme the scene button on the keypad to override the cci as pressing the button turns lights on but then when walking into the room the PIR then takes over from the keypad and the lights turn off after the set delay of the cci and not on permanantly by the operation of the keypad button press also the led flashes on the keypad when the cci is triggered.
I made a model that should allow the motion to turn lights on always and turn lights off only when the keypad scene button is set to preset off. I have attached the model below. Keep in mind that this set up will not allow you to turn the lights off permanently while the room is occupied. If i understand this correctly your PIR is set to close an input on the cci on motion. it will open the input on no motion. I assumed if the room was unoccupied you want ted the lights to turn off after a preset time. I assumed you wanted also the ability to walk in the room and press a keypad button and keep those lights on until the button was pressed again. Below i made the cci input conditional which checks to see the status of the keypad button either preset on or preset off . The cci always sets the lights to 100 on a closure. It then delays 10 mins and checks if the keypad has been set to preset on if so the logic ends. If the keypad preset is still set to preset off it then set the lights to 0. The keypad preset ON is set to always run lights to 100 and set a variable as to the state of the keypad button. The Keypad preset OFF always runs the lights to 0 and switches the variable to monitor the preset OFF. The led logic is set to scene so both parameters must be met for the led to be lit. The led on the keypad will only follow the the button press of the keypad. It will no longer momentarily blink when the pir triggers the cci. The led will not be lit when the light is at the on position via the cci. It will only be lit via the keypad button preset position.There is probably 300 ways to make this scenario work. I just threw the first way that came to mind down.