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Thread: Somfy blind integration questions

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Mar 2017

    Somfy blind integration questions

    RA2 already up and running just for lighting, single main repeater and connect bridge, approx. 40 devices

    Client is having 12 or 14 Somfy blinds installed
    Blind installer is supplying Somfy URTSII(all blinds are RF) and at my request a Somfy Connect LTI for Lutron interface.

    Somfy supplier wants $350 for their RS485 to USB converter used for the programming only part.
    In Somfy LTI instructions it mentions 485usbtb-2w from B&B smartworx, $100, has anyone used this one?
    Or will any RS485 to USB and driver work?

    In general any "heads up" about this interface?
    Programming pitfalls :)

    These blinds are not two-way so visual reference only, i.e. press UP button and blind will move up and either stop at preset limit or stop if you press STOP button, same for DOWN.
    No 1/4, 1/2, or 3/4 up or down

  2. #2
    What did you end up using for programming the Somfy Connect LTI? We just ordered a USB to RS232 to try since that is what the connector on the LTI is. If it doesn't connect to the software guess we will have to order the other cable. Also how easy was it to integrate? Thanks.

  3. #3
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    I'm really interested in this info as well.

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Mar 2017
    This is for a full remodel, so still a month or two away, as far as the Somfy blind integration.
    RA2 system had been in for about 6 months before remodel.
    Somfy blind installer hasn't gotten the LTI yet for me to test with, so don't know if my current "generic" 485/usb will work with it.

    It looks fairly straight forward for integration, when LTI is connected to RA2 via RS232 and Laptop via RS485/USB, you activate a button on RA2 system the LTI "sees" that on the RS232 and forwards it to the RS485/laptop, you see the Lutron data, Device number and Button number, then you assign that device/button a "command" function in the LTI, so when the LTI is connected to the Somfy Radio interface(URTSII) it will send out that Somfy "command string" when that RA2 button is pressed.
    Looks time consuming, and probably easy to screw up, lol, but thats the way I understand it should work.

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Jul 2015
    Are you getting any closer to putting this in place?

  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    Drywall is in and they are painting
    Blind installer still hasn't come thru with the LT1 interface yet

  7. #7
    Junior Member
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    Jan 2017
    Has anyone else gotten this to work? I've got the Somfy Connect LTI, an RS485 adapter, and some Somfy software.

    With the motor configuration software, I'm able to get the motor address and manually raise or lower a motor. The Somfy Connect software asks for the motor address and then "listens" for a Radio Ra2 keypress. It successfully receives the number and address of the keypad switch. It then creates a command string which gets saved into the Somfy Connect. So I know that the Somfy Connect is communicating with both the shade and the Lutron Main repeater. However, when I take the software out of "program" mode and put it in "run" mode, nothing happens when I press the switch.

    I've tried a half dozen time to find someone at Somfy who has a clue, but haven't had any luck. Sometimes they say they'll have the guy who knows about this call me but I never get the call. Or I'll wait on hold for an hour and a half for the "automation specialist" before giving up.

    Does anyone have any experience with this setup? Thanks.

  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    I have it working, and from your description it sounds like you are missing a component. The radio that communicates with the blinds is called an URTSI. The LTI by itself doesn't communicate with the blinds (or not with the Roman blind motor I've got at least).

  9. #9
    Senior Member
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    Jul 2015
    I take that back. I have an RTS motor, so I need the URTSI to communicate with it. You may be trying to use Somfy SDN to communicate with your blinds, and SDN doesn't use an URTSI.

  10. #10
    Junior Member
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    Jan 2017
    That's right, Mike, I have direct connect blinds with home runs from each blind to my A/V closet. Thanks for your replies.

    As I said, I'm able to communicate with and control the shades using Somfy motor configuration software and I received the Lutron trigger from the "Learn" action. But it fails when I put it in "Run".

    Are you using a Lutron RA2 main repeater? What kind of keypad? Thanks.

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