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Thread: smart bridge security

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    smart bridge security

    I have not been able to find anything on how the smart bridge is secured.
    It is connected to the internet but there is no information on how it is secured. Is there a password? If so, how does one go about setting it or changing it.
    Also, is there a way to set a static IP address? A 2014 post talked about "Advanced Setting". The only thing in Advanced setting is "location" in the latest version of the iOS app.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Go to Settings-->Advanced-->Integration-->Network Settings

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by davisadm View Post
    Go to Settings-->Advanced-->Integration-->Network Settings
    As noted on my original post, the only thing that shows up in Settings->Advanced is "Time and Location".
    This is on the latest version of the "Luton App for Caseta Wireless" for iOS.
    Is there another app or is there some other setting I'm missing?
    I've also looked at the iOS "Settings" for the app and there is nothing relevant to network settings there.

  4. #4
    Is the "Advanced" tab only visible for the Smart Bridge Pro perhaps? It does show up on mine but I have a Pro.

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    I am running Version 4.0.1.

    When I go Settings->Advanced, I get 2 choices, Integration and Time and Location.
    My settings:

    My Advanced:

    My Integration:

    I was just thinking about the differences between Smart Bridge and the Pro. That could be the reason. I will check with my Caseta Rep.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails IMG_6057.PNG   IMG_6058.PNG   IMG_6059.PNG  

  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    Thank you guys for the responses.
    I guess that Lutron doesn't think that the non-pro bridges deserve to be secured.
    This and the absence of documentation. Wish I had found out about this sooner. I would have returned the product. I won't use any internet connected device that cannot be secured.

  7. #7
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    Setting a static ip for the bridge makes no security improvements nor deteriorates security in any way. Lutron takes network security very serious. I am sure if you search the support documents there is documentation on the security measure the Caseta Bridges use. All traffic to the bridge actually comes through Lutron's servers. The app connects to Lutron and Lutron connects to your Bridge. The bridge isn't just listening on a open port waiting for a login.

  8. #8
    Junior Member
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    Nobody suggested that setting a static IP address improves security. Setting a password certainly will. As noted in the original post, there does not seem to be a way to set a password.

  9. #9
    Authorized Lutron Contributor
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    Quote Originally Posted by DomZho View Post
    Thank you guys for the responses.
    I guess that Lutron doesn't think that the non-pro bridges deserve to be secured.
    This and the absence of documentation. Wish I had found out about this sooner. I would have returned the product. I won't use any internet connected device that cannot be secured.
    Lutron takes the security of the Case?ta Smart Bridge and the user’s phone very seriously. Lutron employs computer industry best practices including encryption of the communication between the Case?ta Smart Bridge and the user.

    The initial set-up of the Case?ta Smart Bridge requires the user to be physically inside their home with access to their local network and to press a button on the Case?ta Smart Bridge to create their Account. In daily use, the system requires the username and password (stored in the App), set by the user at initial set-up, for remote access to their lighting. Just as the user protects the username and password to their other on-line accounts, the Case?ta Wireless username and password must also be protected so that no one else can access the user’s Case?ta Wireless account, lighting, and other connected systems.

    Lutron recommends that users not share their username and passwords, not write them down where others could access them , or use easy to guess passwords such as “password”, home address, birthday, or the same passwords used with other online websites. If the user believes that their password may have been compromised, they should change it immediately.

  10. #10
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    I'm pretty sure that telnet access uses non-changable default credentials. That seems like a big security hole to me...

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