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Thread: Lutron app

  1. #1

    Lutron app

    Hello all,

    Are we able to add Contactor load like Heaters on the Lutron app Daily events?
    I'm able to add all the lights I want but on the Contactor I'm not able to tick the loads I want.
    Thanks a lot!

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    If this is for a CCO I believe you need to update the CCO type to "cco Lighting" in the Design>Loads screen. This should make it available on the Lights page in that room.
    It's possible you might also be looking for the item you named Contactor in another part of the app- It might be found under Misc if I recall correctly.

    Hey Lutron- can you please update the HWQS App Demo so we can 'preview' all the various controls of load types? This would be very handy at times like this. I went to the LHC+ HWQS demo app on my phone but there is no 3-wire motor and no non-lighting relay types in the demo. I know I've seen these on client systems if they have the devices in their database.

  3. #3
    Hi Sir, Thank you for your reply. If I will change it to CCO lighting does it still work as normal? Because the Heaters are CCO maintained type on the Design>Loads. Yes I'm able to see it under MISC and all contactors are available there, but the time I'm adding Daily Events or personalize scene those Heaters (CCO Loads) cannot be added, only lights. Thanks a lot!

  4. #4
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    I'm fairly certain you'll find no changes in behavior if you change it to CCO Lighting, but it will then be available as a "light load" in the app. Try it and see what happens.

  5. #5
    Hi Sir, Thanks a lot! I'll test it out. Thanks!

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