Newbie here. Has anyone tried using QSE-CI-NWK-E to integrate the lighting controls to savant?
I tried it but I cannot see the NWK on the network. LAN is connected of course and is blinking.
Thanks a lot!
Newbie here. Has anyone tried using QSE-CI-NWK-E to integrate the lighting controls to savant?
I tried it but I cannot see the NWK on the network. LAN is connected of course and is blinking.
Thanks a lot!
Hello jonerdimatulac,
Please send an email to systemsupport@lutron.com requesting a link to download our device ip tool. I am curious to know if our tool can see the interface. Feel free to contact our technical support hotline as well.
Hi Sir,
Thank you for your reply.
Initially I'm using an app called Lanscan and Fing but Im not able to see it.
I will do that. Thanks a lot!
Last edited by jonerdimatulac; 06-13-2016 at 10:04 PM. Reason: Additional
Hi Blair, I sent an email to the support and waiting for the response. I just wanted to share here my problems encountered, I'm unable to see the NWK on the network but I plug-in the network cable used on NWK to my laptop, I'm able to see my laptop on the network as well as its ip address. When I plug it back to the NWK unable to see on the network. Any ideas what's the possibility of the issue? Thanks a lot!
Doesn't the QSE default to a certain IP address? If that address isn't on the range you use on your network then you wouldn't be able to see it. I seem to recall having to factory reset one I have in order for it to get a DHCP address from the network router. Otherwise if you temporarily change your laptop to use an address in the same subnet as the QSE you should be able to connect to it (assuming it's network interface is reliably working). Then use a telnet connection into it to change it's network settings. That or use a serial connection (usb-serial) to connect direct from the laptop to the NWK and change the settings that way.