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Thread: IR

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2015


    I have a situation where someone is using a Harmony Ultimate One remote to control all their AV equipment. They want to be able also to turn off the amp for the subwoofer and a HD matrix. Is there a way to implement control of a LMK-16R-DV-B relay via infrared. They would also like to have a button on a keypad to turn them off.

  2. #2
    If you have a qs link, you can use a HQWD-W5BIR keypad to serve as an IR input. You then program the buttons and/or IR input to control whatever you want in the HWQS system. You would need to have the remote send Lutron IR codes, but many of the remotes have them.

    The LMK-16R-DV-B would go on an RF link on the processor, and communicate via the repeater. The RF keypad does not have an IR input, so would need to use wired.

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