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Thread: flickering and turn-on problems with Toggler TGCL-153PH dimmer

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Unhappy flickering and turn-on problems with Toggler TGCL-153PH dimmer

    I have a flickering and turn-on problem with a newly installed Toggler TGCL-153PH-IV dimmer that is controlling six Ecosmart(TM) LED lightbulbs, type ECSBR3065WEW27120 (2700K, 650 Lumen, 10.5 Watt). I see these LED lights listed in your compatibility list (dated Aug 4, 2015).

    I just upgraded my existing kitchen downlight installation, which had been using 65W incandescent bulbs along with a Lutron AY-603P dimmer.

    Here are the conditions that I still see, even after adjusting the (+/-) Dimmer Range Adjustment:
    When the dimmer is set to its lowest position, either the LED's do not turn on at all, or some of the lights flicker. In this case, I can usually get the lights turned on by pushing the dimming slider up towards maximum. They all ramp up to full brightness smoothly.

    If the dimmer is set to max when turned on, the lights either don't function at all, or some flicker momentarily, then stay off. Adjusting the dimmer slide has no effect on light output. When the dimmer slide setting is reduced to mimimum, then increased back to max, then lights will come on. But when the dimmer slider is reduced to minimum, the flickering recurs.

    What can be done to fix this issue?


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  3. #2
    Authorized Lutron Contributor
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Good afternoon RickP,

    There are a few different generations of this BR30 product, does the end of you model number also include a DG, G1, G2, etc.? The reason I ask is because we have a report card for the exact model that you have provided, however it is rated for 11.5W not 10.5W and is not recommended for TGCL controls,

    Even slight differences in the construction of one LED to another can result in completely different behaviors when controlled by a dimming control. One of the easiest ways to resolve LED misbehaviors would be to replace one of the LEDs with an incandescent or halogen bulb. These types of bulbs will add resistance to the switched leg usually resulting in a stabilized performance.

    Please let me know if you have any questions.

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