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Thread: New RadioRa 2 system owner / Shades problem

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2024

    New RadioRa 2 system owner / Shades problem

    Hey everyone. I bought a house a couple years ago that had a RadioRA 2 system already installed. I haven't needed to understand or gain access to it until recently when someone in my family decided to manually pull one of our Triathlon shades down.I am hoping the limits just need to be reset, but I am not sure.I've reached out to three different integrators, with no success on any one of them getting back to me yet. I figured that would be my easiest bet, since I also would like to add a ceiling fan onto the system next month.In the meantime, I was able to connect to the Connect Bridge, and I was able to remove the old account.I now have access to control the light switches and shades with my phone, albeit with the old room names and old owners' info, but it's a start.Unfortunately, following tutorials on how to set the shade limits has not worked. Specifically, I do not have the "Edit Device" button at the bottom of the shade control screen.I bought a Pico remote to try and set the limits with that, but it won't pair with the shade.My next step is to call support, which I did today, but don't have the time to wait for a call back.Can anyone help guide me in the right direction, or let me know if what I'm experiencing makes sense?I am still new to this, but should do fairly fine once I understand the basic contours of how it all works.Thanks,Ben

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Shade limits can be manually set at the shade motor. You dont need any software:

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2024
    Quote Originally Posted by johnmax View Post
    Shade limits can be manually set at the shade motor. You dont need any software:
    Hey, I appreciate the reply, but unfortunately the Triathlon shades only have one button and therefore can't be programmed manually at the shade motor. The way I understand it, with a standalone shade, you can program it with a Pico remote, but when they're on a Lutron system, you need to use the app. And that's where I hit a dead end because I don't have the "edit device" option in my app where the instructions show it should be. Thanks. ps- apologies on the formatting of my original post, it apparently didn't take my page breaks.

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Sep 2024
    I finally spoke to Lutron. Because it's Radio RA2, I don't have access to set the limits. If it were RA2 Select or lower, I could. So my options are either find an integrator that will actually return my call/text, or take the training courses to gain access to the software myself. I think I will give the latter a shot! Thanks again.

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