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Thread: Sivoia motor issue (QSSC-EDU-150)

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2024

    Sivoia motor issue (QSSC-EDU-150)

    Hi to all. Hope someone can help here.I bought a home with (2) existing Sivoia shades, one works (call it A) - the other does not (call it B). I proved the wiring by moving the operating shade (A) to replace the one that didn't (B) - and it worked by the keypad. So the cable to B works and I assumed it was the motor and bought a replacement (call it C) but this one does not work either! I tried both B and C on the cable feeding A that I know does work - and nope, neither works. They flash blue, green, red but do not respond to the keypad. Also, I went through the trouble shooting guide on the Lutron site but nothing wrong with the wiring.I can operate both with the limit switch adjustment buttons so the motors are not seized or anything.Did I buy a bum motor? It's just odd having the same problem twice in a row.Any ideas? - thanks very much.

  2. #2
    Lutron Technical Support
    Join Date
    May 2022
    Hi there, each Sivoia EDU has it's own unique serial number. The keypads need to be programmed to see the new shades, they are not plug and play. Would suggest you determine the model of your in-wall keypad, so you can re-program that keypad to see the new EDUs. If you are using a QSWS2 Model keypad, programming instructions can be found on page 12 of the Sivoia QS Programming Guide here -

    if this is a RadioRA or HomeWorks keypad you will need to consult with a Lutron System programmer so they can update the programming of your current keypads.

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