I am new to RadioRA2 and am trying to make a small modification to a system installed by someone else.
There is a switch with device ID 120 that does not appear in the inventory report -- the highest numbered device is 119. But my home automation program (OpenHab) has a Lutron connector that DOES detect device 120 -- a switch for Driveway Pillar Lights. Yet this switch does not show up when I do an export to file in RadioRA2 Essentials.
I have asked where the switch is installed - I cannot find it physically. The driveway lights are indeed coming on and off on a timer each day - but the device doesn't appear anywhere in the Design or Program areas.
One more clue is that the OpenaHab program detects that the switch exists (with the proper name) but is not able to communicate with it.
I do not understand how a new device could be added to the system without appearing in the design section, but it was named and assigned an ID somewhere. Would appreciate any info so I can modify the timer control of these driveway lights.