I have a lutron radiora2 system and series of 2 wire LTEA Lutron drivers throughout my house. I recently looked to expand my system and add a few switches and tape lights to find that Lutron had completely discontinued all 2 wire drivers.
I was suggested to drive ribbon light from RR2 dimmers, keep everything Lutron, and ensure compatibility was to use a phpm unit to the tune of $200+ per switch!
Has anyone found a workaround? Also curious if anyone “pushes” the wattage maximums with the Lutron drivers. I know it’s all about dissipating heat, but the 40w maximum seems very conservative. In this case I need to push about 47 watts, and seems a bit excessive to install 2 drivers for 47w of tape light.
I’d love to hear some opinion from someone much more experienced than myself. Thanks in advance!