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Thread: Quick Blink/Flicker

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2024

    Quick Blink/Flicker

    For the last 4 days at around 7:30p any LED bulbs connected to a Caseta device will blink in unison. It is a single quick blink/flicker but it happens every 5 secs or so and in sync with every connected bulb.
    Other LEDs bulbs connected to standard dimmers and switches are not affected. This occurs across different circuits throughout my home.
    These bulbs and Caseta devices had been working for months and in some cases years without trouble.
    Any advice troubleshooting appreciated.

  2. #2
    Lutron Technical Support
    Join Date
    Jan 2023
    Hello paltomare, welcome to the Forums. We’re sorry to hear about the issue you have encountered with your system and lighting loads. How long does the blinking persist for, and does it stop on its own or do you need to reset the devices in order to get them to stop? Also, is it at the same time every day, or does it also happen outside of the expected time, or when dimmed manually/through the App?

    We suggest checking your Caseta Schedules, as well as the Arriving/Leaving Home and Smart Away automations in the Lutron App for possible causes of the in-unison behavior, as well as any third party integrations’ automations such as Apple HomeKit Automations or Alexa’s Hunches feature.

    Ultimately, we may recommend contacting our support team at; for us to best help, please provide your support logs so we can try to see what is commanding the lights on.
    To get the support logs that we need, please follow the steps below:
    - Make sure your smartphone is connected to the same Wi-Fi network as the Caséta hub.
    - In the Lutron app, go to Settings > Help > Submit Support Logs.
    - Complete the section asking what type of issue you are having and provide as much detail as possible (e.g. names of the devices and schedules as they are displayed in the Lutron app if applicable).
    - Lastly, select "Send Support Request Email," and send it. (For Android users please make sure the support file is attached to the email when you send it. For iOS users an Internal Support File Identifier will be listed and no attachments will be displayed)

    We hope this helps and look forward to resolving this together!

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2024
    Quote Originally Posted by Kenneth P. View Post
    Hello paltomare, welcome to the Forums. We’re sorry to hear about the issue you have encountered with your system and lighting loads. How long does the blinking persist for, and does it stop on its own or do you need to reset the devices in order to get them to stop? Also, is it at the same time every day, or does it also happen outside of the expected time, or when dimmed manually/through the App?

    We suggest checking your Caseta Schedules, as well as the Arriving/Leaving Home and Smart Away automations in the Lutron App for possible causes of the in-unison behavior, as well as any third party integrations’ automations such as Apple HomeKit Automations or Alexa’s Hunches feature.

    Ultimately, we may recommend contacting our support team at; for us to best help, please provide your support logs so we can try to see what is commanding the lights on.
    To get the support logs that we need, please follow the steps below:
    - Make sure your smartphone is connected to the same Wi-Fi network as the Caséta hub.
    - In the Lutron app, go to Settings > Help > Submit Support Logs.
    - Complete the section asking what type of issue you are having and provide as much detail as possible (e.g. names of the devices and schedules as they are displayed in the Lutron app if applicable).
    - Lastly, select "Send Support Request Email," and send it. (For Android users please make sure the support file is attached to the email when you send it. For iOS users an Internal Support File Identifier will be listed and no attachments will be displayed)

    We hope this helps and look forward to resolving this together!
    Hi Kenneth,
    I've been troubleshooting since my post and discovered that the blinking starts when the exterior lights turn on. The blinking will continue until I turn the lights off. Even when I turn the exterior lights off again, the interior lights continue to blink. It doesn't seem to be affected by the dimming level and restarting the hub hasn't help. I should note that automation is handled by Home Assistant via the Caseta integration. This setup has all been working for months before this issue started.

  4. #4
    Lutron Technical Support
    Join Date
    Oct 2023
    Thank you for the additional information! This is peculiar; we would be interested in hearing more about your application (Caseta model numbers, lighting being used) as well as reviewing support logs to see if we can identify what is causing this, whether it is a system-based or local to the device issue. Please feel free to submit logs via the instructions in the above reply, and we'd be more than happy to assist!

  5. #5
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2024
    I may have stumbled upon the cause. I'm still troubleshooting, but last night the lights did not flicker. Before the interior and exterior lights were scheduled to turn on I manually turned on the exterior lights and noticed that the landscape lights connected to one of two transformers were not turning on. It seems the transformer has failed since there is no voltage at the terminals. I have no idea how or why that would cause the Caseta devices to flicker, but I will get a replacement xfrmr today and test again.

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