Why is this so confusing and difficult? Is there a place to sort the different options available, to settle on what I need to buy. Some sites sort by led and Elv but you can’t sort out the non smart switches. For example all my lights are LEDs with drivers, so I don’t want to see non LED options. Apparently I need ELV compatible also. I want smart switches and smart dimmers so I don’t want to see non smart, I find one that I think will work but it does not say smart anywhere in the description. Can you tell by the model number, I don’t think you can. I have/need to buy 58 3 way smart dimmers, (some not all are 3 way compatible) 80 regular smart switches, 12 fan switches. So I’m probably solidly outside the capacity for caseta and in the ra3 realm. So that mean measteo or Sunnata. There seems to be so many options that I cannot find what to order. Please help.