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Thread: Unable to move Sivoia QS wireless from radiora2 to ra3

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2024

    Question Unable to move Sivoia QS wireless from radiora2 to ra3


    I have 8 sets of shades in a house, and have been able to migrate most of them from a radiora2 to 3 setup.

    On one of the shades, I reset the shade by pressing the buttons for 4 seconds in order (from top to bottom). For all of the others, I reset the shades by resetting the RadioRA 2 controller.

    I was able to use lutron designer to pair (using wiggle) the other 7 shades. However, I have not been able to get the 8th shade to show up, regardless of how many times I reset it before. I've checked to ensure that the antenna is plugged in, and I've also tried to enter the assignment mode by pressing the open limit and then the right arrow button. The assignemnt mode works in the sense that it blinks every four seconds, but the shade still doesn't appear in the Designer software.

    Are there any other steps I can try to reset this shade or make them pairable? Thank you for your help!

  2. #2
    Lutron Technical Support
    Join Date
    May 2022
    Hi nyquist11, we would suggest that you confirm the reset actually went through on the shades drive. After the last step it should do a multi-color flash. You can view the steps to reset the drive on Page 16 of the programming guide:

    It may also be helpful to completely remove the shade from the Design Tab in Lutron Designer and re-add it in. Lastly, ensure you are within the RF range of the shade.

    • RadioRA 2 / RA2 Select Devices: All Lutron Clear Connect-Type A devices must be within 30ft of the RadioRA 3 processor OR Repeater to assure proper communication.
      • Repeaters must be within 60ft of the Processor OR another repeater

      Feel free to contact our Lutron RadioRA Technical Support Team if you are needing any further assistance, you can reach us at 1-888-588-7661 and we are open 24/7.

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