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Thread: Caseta/Homekit outlets

  1. #1

    Lightbulb Caseta/Homekit outlets

    I would hope now that iDevices' has introduced (yesterday at CES) an in-wall HomeKit compatible outlet (and Insteon already has one), that Lutron could please do the same!

    Non-dim, manual on/off switch at the outlet.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    This has been debated for years with RA/RA2/HW. I personally like the plug in feature as opposed to the outlet for the simple reason that you can find the device easily. Having replaced countless X10 systems, I can say trying to diagnose and repair devices that are hidden or not clearly marked is a nightmare.
    Simple automation when DIY isn't working

  3. #3
    I for one think boxes hanging off outlets is unsightly, but I can understand going either or both ways (plugin or in-wall).

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by SanDiegoRep View Post
    I personally like the plug in feature as opposed to the outlet for the simple reason that you can find the device easily ... I can say trying to diagnose and repair devices that are hidden or not clearly marked is a nightmare.
    You don't oppose in-wall light switches and dimmers though, right? Why the double standard?

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by veeeh View Post
    You don't oppose in-wall light switches and dimmers though, right? Why the double standard?
    I don't like seeing wall worts on a permanent basis, but for something like Christmas lights, it's fine. I don't have any iDevice plugs (yet), but I would imagine that they would be a pain in the backside on a day to day basis. I like having the option of a Pico remote to turn things on an off. I don't alway carry my phone with me around the house and the iDevices MUST be controlled via a homekit app. Network down, don't have your device, you're out of luck.

    I have nine locations with Caseta plugin module to control table lamps on a regular basis, of those nine locations, seven of them are in plane site. I would love to get them out to of site.

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