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Thread: DIY - Measuring for Triathlon

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2023

    DIY - Measuring for Triathlon

    Hey, looking for some guidance/clarification. I recently submitted my inside mount measurements for triathlon shades with architectural fascia. When doing the measurements I followed much of the instructions for Serena shades i.e Lutron YouTube videos, Lutron pamphlets, etc.

    In short, I submitted the measurements based on the width from jamb to jamb. I measured top, middle, and bottom. Also the inside jamb depth from window to room, and submitted the smallest measurements.

    Since measuring I found Application Note 598. That goes over bracket to bracket measuring and minimum mounting space requirement. Listing the minimum mounting space to be 5”H by 5”D.

    Is the way I measured going to be a problem?

  2. #2
    Lutron Technical Support
    Join Date
    May 2022
    Hello, the way you measured sounds like you did it correctly. What you saw was the section that was describing Light Gaps for our shades. When you order a shade as an inside mount we ask that you provide the bracket to bracket width, which is when you measure the inside of the window frame opening from the top left to the top right corner. We also do have the linked youtube video below which shows you how to measure for an inside mount serena or triathlon shade. You can view that here:
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Screenshot 2023-07-24 091245.png  

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Jul 2023
    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Freddy G. View Post
    Hello, the way you measured sounds like you did it correctly. What you saw was the section that was describing Light Gaps for our shades. When you order a shade as an inside mount we ask that you provide the bracket to bracket width, which is when you measure the inside of the window frame opening from the top left to the top right corner. We also do have the linked youtube video below which shows you how to measure for an inside mount serena or triathlon shade. You can view that here:

    Thank you for replying, and easing my anxiety lol. Your clarification makes perfect sense. I’m confident my measurements are spot on.

    Thank you again!

  4. #4
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2024
    It sounds like you’ve done a thorough job measuring, but it might be worth double-checking those mounting space requirements. I had a similar issue with a different project once. I measured based on width like you did, but later realized the brackets needed more room than I had anticipated. A quick tool like can be super handy for getting precise measurements and ensuring everything fits as needed. It might help you confirm that your space meets the minimum requirements and avoid any surprises later on.

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