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Thread: No Neutral required? Does that mean a neutral is optional?

  1. #1

    No Neutral required? Does that mean a neutral is optional?

    For many Caseta dimmers and switches Lutron uses the words "no neutral required."

    Exactly what does this mean?
    a. You cannot use a neutral. As in never ever, there are no neutral connections on the switch housing.
    b. Using a neutral is optional. You can use a neutral if you want but it's 'not required.'
    c. Something else.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2020
    They don't have a neutral connection on the switch.

  3. #3
    Lutron Technical Support
    Join Date
    May 2022
    Hello we use three terms with our controls:

    Neutral Required = This means a neutral is required to connect to the control.
    Neutral Optional = You will see this on Phase-Adaptive controls like the Maestro Pro Dimmer. This means it is an optional connection to use on the control for certain load types.
    No neutral required = This control will not have a neutral to connect to at all. You could consider this the neutral-less version.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Freddy G. View Post
    Hello we use three terms with our controls:

    Neutral Required = This means a neutral is required to connect to the control.
    Neutral Optional = You will see this on Phase-Adaptive controls like the Maestro Pro Dimmer. This means it is an optional connection to use on the control for certain load types.
    No neutral required = This control will not have a neutral to connect to at all. You could consider this the neutral-less version.
    Thanks for the clarification.

  5. #5
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2024
    Would I need the neutral for a maestro MA-PRO 3 way powering LED lamps?

  6. #6
    Lutron Technical Support
    Join Date
    Oct 2023
    Hello jknsd, welcome to the Forums. The MA-PRO is a neutral-optional device when used with standard 120V LED lamps that do not require a magnetic low voltage (MLV) or electronic low voltage (ELV) dimming signal. From our spec sheet, in regards to using the MA-PRO with standard LEDs, we state that "Neutral is recommended for best dimming performance, if available, but is not required for this load type." See the full document below for more information:

    We hope this helps!

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