Ra21 hybrid keypads
I have installed an H6BRL keypad and only need 5 buttons can I just use the face from an H5BRL
I guess what I mean is when I get my engraved keypad kit can I just order one for hybrid 5 button
You can order any faceplate style during engraving that you want. Just make sure the software reflects the keypad faceplate style you want, especially if using the engraving manager to order the engravings.
Is this right? Are you saying the electronics under the faceplate for all the keypads are really the same (set aside the obvious difference of ones with the Raise/lower buttons or IR windows)?
So if I bought a RRD-W5BRL, I can turn it into, say, a RRD-W4S or RRD-W3BRL with just a new engraved keypad?
Yes, including raise/lower buttons, these are all the same.
Thanks Veeeh. I'm really surprised because the electronics unit itself has a model number on it that matches the one ordered. I'd have thought there was some universal model number for the electronics, and then a model number for the faceplates that make it into a certain button configuration. Marketing reasons I suppose. :) Is it the case that they're all the same electronics except the one that has IR window in it? even the two-module ones that has a 3-button set on top (including raise/lower) and another 3-button set on bottom? Also same electronic module, just a different keypad?
All the W keypads have the exact same underneath, how you design it in the software will determine which buttons/IR window are active. Sam for the H Hybrid keypads- except the hybrids and standard wall (W) keypads are not interchangeable. If you have the right type of keypad, you can change the faceplate style when you engrave. Color as well.
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