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Thread: How do I manually keep the lights on ?

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2021

    Cool How do I manually keep the lights on ?

    I have what I think is a Lutron MS-OPS2H-WH basic occupancy or motion sensor switch used in a mudroom. I have occasion to work in that room without motion while concealed behind a large appliance for an extended time period and need to keep the lights on until work is completed.Can this switch be kept on manually after I enter the room initially ? Thank you for your help.

  2. #2
    Lutron's Maestro hard wired sensor switches including the one you have testing/rating wise cannot have the sensor manually disabled. You can adjust the timeout set for sensor to the max of 30 minutes by using the steps on page two of our custom settings app note 461 @ This timeout will only go into affect once the sensor detects there is no heat movement and will start the countdown for the timeout set, so if it detects motions at all within range it will not start this timeout. If you have any other questions our tech support team can be reached at (1-888-588-7661) as well as via email at

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