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Thread: What does this mean?

  1. #1

    What does this mean?

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Means we are going to get new toys. The functionality of the Caseta geofencing and Apple Watch compatibility, along with a new form factor on the keypads to match GraphikT. The Caseta features coming over to RA2 is a big plus, in my opinion.
    Simple automation when DIY isn't working

  3. #3
    It means you will get a new version of Caseta bridge (and Caseta app) for $299 which is capable of connecting to existing RA2 or HWQS setup.

  4. #4
    Lutron Technical Support
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by veeeh View Post
    It means you will get a new version of Caseta bridge (and Caseta app) for $299 which is capable of connecting to existing RA2 or HWQS setup.
    It's not actually a Caseta bridge, and won't let Caseta devices work with Ra2 or HWQS. This is a different bridge that will give you the geofencing and free remote access features that Caseta currently has, but for Ra2 and HWQS instead.

  5. #5
    Correct. I didn't mean to imply that this new bridge (and app) will be in any way compatible with Caseta. I just meant that they are built from reusing existing Caseta bridge (and app).

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