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Thread: Processor and Download

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2015

    Processor and Download

    I need to download a backup of my lighting program from the processor in the image at the below link:

    There is a female rs232 female connection under com link 3 on the left side of the image.

    On the right bottom side of the image there is a rs232 male connection under com link 5 on the bottom.

    I have a few questions:

    1) Do I plug into link 3 on the left or link 5 on the right?

    2) When I plug in do I need to turn the processor off?

    3) Will a usb to rs232 cord work as my computer only has usb?


  2. #2
    Authorized Lutron Contributor
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by degmsb01 View Post
    I need to download a backup of my lighting program from the processor in the image at the below link:

    There is a female rs232 female connection under com link 3 on the left side of the image.

    On the right bottom side of the image there is a rs232 male connection under com link 5 on the bottom.

    I have a few questions:

    1) Do I plug into link 3 on the left or link 5 on the right?

    2) When I plug in do I need to turn the processor off?

    3) Will a usb to rs232 cord work as my computer only has usb?


    You are able to connect to link 3 or 7. You do not need to turn the power off when connecting with the RS232 connection. You will be able to use a USB-to-RS232 cable as long as the drivers are properly installed for the cable. If the drivers are not installed or not installed correct then the USB-to-RS232 cable may have issues communicating.

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