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Thread: programming Fan speeds in one Palladiom Buttom

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    programming Fan speeds in one Palladiom Buttom

    Hi Guys!Im trying to program various fan speeds in a single button.what is the best way to do it?im thinking in a manual secuence but a dont know how is the right way to program such buttom, i never programed fans before in HWQS.Do i need to make a secuence for each fan speed? High, Medium, Low and Off?then what is the proper buttom configuration?High ---- Secuence start/nextMedium --- Secuence continueLow --- Secuence continueOff --- Secuence StopI apreciate any adviceThanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Go to the programming tab and use the drop down to select sequences.
    Change the sequence type to Manual
    Click the "+" button to add a total of 5 steps.
    You can change the name of the steps by clicking on the tab name.
    When programming buttons, change the "Show All" drop down to "Sequences"
    Convergence Technologies Raleigh, North Carolina

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