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Thread: Vive system with pick and rmjs-16r-dv-b dimming module

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Oct 2018

    Vive system with pick and rmjs-16r-dv-b dimming module

    Today I installed a few rmjs-16r-dv-b dimming modules controlled by some pico remotes. They are controlling some 40 watt LED flat panels. (This is on a commercial building.) The first room has two modules and two picos, each controlling 10 fixtures. They work correctly. The next room has one module and one pico controlling 3 lights and one module and 3 picos controlling 9 lights. The lights will not turn off completely. They are dimmed very low. The next four rooms are doing the exact same thing. I have tried everything I know to do...1. Switched wires2. checked for loose connections on the 10vdc wires3. Added lights to increase the load. 4. Added them to the vive hub and tried to adjust the Low trim 5. Tried to turn off using the RMJS button6. Tried resetting factory settings to the RMJS7. Checked for loose neutrals8. Checked for stray voltagesI spent over four hours today and 4 out of the 5 rooms will not turn turn completely off. Any advice will be greatly appreciated.Thanks,Peacemaker

  2. #2
    Junior Member
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    Oct 2018
    Sorry PICO...not pick.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Apr 2019

    Vive Man

    Good Morning Citizen,It sounds like you have a wiring issue. The fixtures in question are all 0-10 volt correct? If they are all 0-10 volt, are you only using the RMJS-16R-DV-B to control fixtures? As a test, remove the output of the RMJS-16R-DV-B, cap it, and then reapply power at the breaker to see if the lights still come on.

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by peacemaker View Post
    Today I installed a few rmjs-16r-dv-b dimming modules controlled by some pico remotes. They are controlling some 40 watt LED flat panels. (This is on a commercial building.) The first room has two modules and two picos, each controlling 10 fixtures. They work correctly. The next room has one module and one pico controlling 3 lights and one module and 3 picos controlling 9 lights. The lights will not turn off completely. They are dimmed very low. The next four rooms are doing the exact same thing. I have tried everything I know to do...
    1. Switched wires
    2. Checked for loose connections on the 10vdc wires
    3. Added lights to increase the load.
    4. Added them to the vive hub and tried to adjust the Low trim
    5. Tried to turn off using the RMJS button
    6. Tried resetting factory settings to the RMJS
    7. Checked for loose neutrals
    8. Checked for stray voltages

    I spent over four hours today and 4 out of the 5 rooms will not turn turn completely off. Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

    The 16R is a relay/non-dim module. You may need to do something to the 10v input on the fixtures to get them to be non-dim. In some cases it is just shorting the 10v + and - connection. Check with the fixture manufacturer.

    If you do want to dim you will need one of the 8T modules.

    10v systems are polarity sensitive. If you have one fixture reversed it will kill the whole lot.
    Convergence Technologies Raleigh, North Carolina

  5. #5
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    Nov 2020

    Lutron Caseta and Lutron RMJS-8T-DV-B Vive PowPak Dimming Module

    I don’t believe the Vive PowPaks are compatible with Caseta. They work with Pico remotes, some occupancy sensors, and the Vive hub only as far as I know. Unfortunately the Vive hub is really expensive...over $1000 US
    Last edited by Adam K.; 11-03-2020 at 11:14 AM.

  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    Nov 2020
    Thanks for the comment

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