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Thread: Illuminations 1.64 with KNX + ThinKNX

  1. #1

    Illuminations 1.64 with KNX + ThinKNX

    We're currently updating a system that was using Control4 dimmers and relays with KNX ones. We're using ThinKNX to talk between Illuminations and KNX, and a Basalte KNX server for visualization.We've got logic in the ThinkKNX controller to ascertain the state of relays and dimmers, and the Lutron keypads are basically sending a "1" if they are pressed, and we work out if the dimmers or relays need to be switched on or off depending on the current feedback state of the relay or dimmer. We do this because we have a visualization layer that is on the KNX side, and need to keep everything in sync so no double presses to switch something on or off.The issue we have is the current state of the LED is being set on the Lutron side with the "Room, Scene or Path" options, the LED feedback on the lutron side doesn't know the state of the relay or dimmer on the KNX side. We see a couple of potential solutions, but are unsure of how to implement either:Option 1: We check set the load state in our logic blocks which are held on the thinKNX interface, send a string to the Lutron bus to set the state of the LED, we are currently flipping the state already of the relay or dimmer with this logic.Option 2: We remove all LED feedback so that it can't get out of sync.Hopefully that all makes sense!

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Simon Holden View Post
    We're currently updating a system that was using Control4 dimmers and relays with KNX ones. We're using ThinKNX to talk between Illuminations and KNX, and a Basalte KNX server for visualization.We've got logic in the ThinkKNX controller to ascertain the state of relays and dimmers, and the Lutron keypads are basically sending a "1" if they are pressed, and we work out if the dimmers or relays need to be switched on or off depending on the current feedback state of the relay or dimmer. We do this because we have a visualization layer that is on the KNX side, and need to keep everything in sync so no double presses to switch something on or off.The issue we have is the current state of the LED is being set on the Lutron side with the "Room, Scene or Path" options, the LED feedback on the lutron side doesn't know the state of the relay or dimmer on the KNX side. We see a couple of potential solutions, but are unsure of how to implement either:Option 1: We check set the load state in our logic blocks which are held on the thinKNX interface, send a string to the Lutron bus to set the state of the LED, we are currently flipping the state already of the relay or dimmer with this logic.Option 2: We remove all LED feedback so that it can't get out of sync.Hopefully that all makes sense!
    There is a SETLED command that will do what I think you want.

    You can find more info in the Illuminations help screen.

    I wouldn't try Option 2. At some point it will get out of sync. Probably a Saturday evening at 10:00 PM.
    Convergence Technologies Raleigh, North Carolina

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