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Thread: OMX-CI-NWK-E to Grafik Eye 7000

  1. #1

    OMX-CI-NWK-E to Grafik Eye 7000

    Hello all,I am interfacing with an NWK-E on a program upgrade. The original program has some odd commands that do not seem to be documented anywhere (nor does customer support know it). To just set light levels the documented command is:~11h 7 (level) (channel)\rFor example:~11h 7 7F C1\rWhereas the command that is being used (and works, unlike above for most lights in the system)~11h 1300 (argumentCount) 7 (level) (fade time) 0 (channel) (processorID)\rFor example:~11h 1300 5 7 7F 0 0 C1 2\rSince the Grafik Eye 7000 system is interconnected with multiple processors, I have noticed that "jumping" (sending a command to a remote processor) from the processor the NWK is directly connected to is not possible unless I use the "1300" command.Does anybody have documentation on this command and its correct syntax? Also, things like true light level feedback would be nice too.Thank you,Aaron Betczynski

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    I don't do commercial but since no one else is responding, I'll throw a couple of things out.

    Call tech support (again). If the rep can't help, ask if there is anybody else that has knowledge of older systems. You can ask to speak to an engineer too.

    Email to goes to engineering (unless it is something simple).

    Check the legacy section at There may be something there that is useful.
    Convergence Technologies Raleigh, North Carolina

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    Good Afternoon Citizen, Typically the following syntax is used.​~11h 7​All circuits/zones specified in the command will fade from their current intensity level to the new intensity level using the specified delay and fade times​Syntax - ~11h 7 [level] [fade] [delay] [zone(s)]Value - [Level] 0-7F, intensity level;Value - [Fade] number of cycles; 10 cycles = 1 second. Maximum 6300 seconds (63000 or F618 cycles)Value - [Delay] number of cycles; 10 cycles = 1 second. Maximum 6300 seconds (63000 or F618 cycles)Value - [Zones] - LCP128: 0 - 7Fh (128 circuits)​~11h 7 7F 32 0 A B In your case the "jumping" issue makes sense, you can't have comms over multiple processors in a OMX link or 7000 system. The command string of "1300" is not a supported one and I can imagine it will give you some confusing results if you keep using it.Your best bet to get this working is to simply find the area, locate the address of a keypad in that area, and simulate a button press for that keypad. -RegardsVive Man

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