When i turn on the lights with either caseta control or the pico remote, the lights flash once at full brightness , turn off then slowly raise brightness to proper setting.
what can cause this.
im using brand new CREE led lights that are dimmable
When i turn on the lights with either caseta control or the pico remote, the lights flash once at full brightness , turn off then slowly raise brightness to proper setting.
what can cause this.
im using brand new CREE led lights that are dimmable
Lutron has conducted preliminary testing on the Cree LED’s that you are inquiring about, however based upon unsatisfactory testing performance, we are unable to recommend a dimming control for those LEDs at this time. In the event that you are locked into using those specific Cree LEDs, we would suggest contacting Cree and asking them for a list of compatible dimming controls that they can recommend for these specific products.
If selecting another LED is an option, please visit our LED selection tool at www.lutron.com/ledtool. This tool will provide you with the most up to date compatible LED products that we can recommend for use with our LED rated dimming controls.
When we tested that bulb, we did notice the lights occasionally flashing on when the Caseta dimmer was turned on. We found the best way to try and reduce or eliminate this from happening is to set the low end trim of the dimmer a little higher.
Here is the link on how to set the low end trim: http://www.casetawireless.com/Docume...ced%20Inst.pdf. (See page 35.)
Ok, tried this. I went so far as to set the low end only a few clicks below high end. As soon as the lamps cooled, they still flash once when turned in.
im returning this piece of junk dimmer.
your company needs to do alot more design on a $60.00 dimmer before you dump it on the market.
your industry is shoving led technology down our throats. Im an electricial contractor and just wasted 4 hours of unbillable time trying to install this piece of junk on a job, not including over $300.00 spent on useless....non dimmable even though they claim dimmable... Led lamps.
im just about thru purchasing lutron products.
by the way..we do nearly $1,000,000 in sales and installs per year.