Lutron Designer suggestions
I realize this may overlap with the wish list in the other thread, but I'm too lazy to review all the pages of that thread.
So, after spending quite some time with Lutron Designer, and doing the tedious job of reviewing and fixing several programs following "Save As..." because we are doing a multi-dwelling unit, I got an open list of suggestions for this designer thing.
- The Programming screen for a keypad should display the box number, for double-checking with the blueprints
- It would be GREAT to be able to select several buttons and change their behavior. For instance changing all the 5BRL buttons to Single Action instead of Toggle is tedious. Same goes for the LED behavior, even it it cleverly follows the Action type.
- Changing the number of buttons keeps the programming of the existing buttons which is good. It would be even better if one could choose if the buttons are added from the beginning of from the end. For instance when I change an Intl Seetouch from 5BRL to 8BRL, I'm adding three buttons to the left of the 4 scenes+Off column.
But the result is these four scenes are now spread over the first column and the first button from the right column. ****** !
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Hello Market,
We have talked with Rachid and a technical engineer from Lutron and the problem will be solved in the next release.
Great news Stephane ! But I wish you wouldn't disclose my nickname here, i'm undercover.
Just kidding.
Last edited by mehuneau; 04-04-2015 at 07:36 AM.
Reason: Spelling error
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