how to find device id of a shade?
I logged into putty,
how do I find the device ID for a shade, so i can input it into control4?
Hey Alex.
The command you can send to get a print out of all devices on the link is ?details,all_devices.
is it only by trial and error i know which ID goes to which blind? For example, im using the radio ra2 or pico to raise and lower the blinds and it will give me a number
My apologies, I thought you were integrating with a Sivoia QS wired shade system.
Yes, it would be trial and error. Unless the serial numbers on the tags of the shades were documented and referenced to a name. If this is integrating through a Ra2 system, you can also reference the integration id that is assigned to the shades for control. The Ra2 software has the capability to generate an integration report.
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