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Thread: 30 foot device limit

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    30 foot device limit

    Hi Everyone,

    Recently moved into a new condo (1100 square feet) and I'm looking at automation options for control of lighting. Having gone the professional route before (Control4) as a previous condo, I feel that DIY solutions are right for me and my budget this time around as Control4 was overkill. I have experience with Z wave previously, and it's both far too flaky, and the design of the switches look too clunky for me.

    Based on the reading I've done here, I think that Caseta can meet the majority of what I'm after. Basic on/off/dim/scene control from a smartphone. Although they would be nice, motion sensors and room by room control are not deal breakers for me, so I'm not sure the upgrade to RA2 is warranted in this case.

    However, I am looking at doing a whole home solution here, albeit within a condo. Total of about 15 dimmers and switches. 1100 square feet as mentioned above, single level with brick and concrete walls. It's an 1800s factory conversion.

    My concern is with a 30 foot device limit. The condo was built with home automation in mind and includes a networking closet for rack equipment. I'd like to store the smart bridge pro in there. Will the switches and dimmers act as repeaters/extenders? The bridge will never be more than 30 feet away from a switch, but will a switch/dimmer repeat the signal if I'm trying to turn on switch that's 100 feet away?

    Are there any other limitations I should be aware of when looking at a whole home approach with Caseta? I am aware of the 50 device limit and will be significantly under this.


  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Tazplex View Post
    Will the switches and dimmers act as repeaters/extenders? The bridge will never be more than 30 feet away from a switch, but will a switch/dimmer repeat the signal if I'm trying to turn on switch that's 100 feet away?
    No, dimmers and switches will not repeat the signal.

    RA2 can have additional repeaters to extend the range of the main repeater.

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Tazplex View Post
    Hi Everyone,

    Recently moved into a new condo (1100 square feet) and I'm looking at automation options for control of lighting. Having gone the professional route before (Control4) as a previous condo, I feel that DIY solutions are right for me and my budget this time around as Control4 was overkill. I have experience with Z wave previously, and it's both far too flaky, and the design of the switches look too clunky for me.

    Based on the reading I've done here, I think that Caseta can meet the majority of what I'm after. Basic on/off/dim/scene control from a smartphone. Although they would be nice, motion sensors and room by room control are not deal breakers for me, so I'm not sure the upgrade to RA2 is warranted in this case.

    However, I am looking at doing a whole home solution here, albeit within a condo. Total of about 15 dimmers and switches. 1100 square feet as mentioned above, single level with brick and concrete walls. It's an 1800s factory conversion.

    My concern is with a 30 foot device limit. The condo was built with home automation in mind and includes a networking closet for rack equipment. I'd like to store the smart bridge pro in there. Will the switches and dimmers act as repeaters/extenders? The bridge will never be more than 30 feet away from a switch, but will a switch/dimmer repeat the signal if I'm trying to turn on switch that's 100 feet away?

    Are there any other limitations I should be aware of when looking at a whole home approach with Caseta? I am aware of the 50 device limit and will be significantly under this.

    Tazplex- as long as your devices are within the 30' range to the smart bridge, your condo is a perfect example of when to use Caseta. If you get outside of that 30', you could always test to see if it works. Otherwise, you'd have to put the Smart Bridge Pro in a more central location. As long as it's on the network, you'll be fine.
    Simple automation when DIY isn't working

  4. #4
    @Tazplex: my condo is 1500 sq feet, more rectangular than square and my smart bridge pro is on one side of the condo while a serena shade is on the complete opposite. It's about 40 feet and works flawlessly every morning.

    Also, the interior walls of my building are 8 inches of concrete. So the bridge communicates with the farthest shade through 3 of those walls (2 feet of concrete total) and 40 feet of distance.

    Also, the smart bridge pro is about the size of a pack of cigarette, so it can fit almost anywhere. Nothing like that big ugly wink hub.

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