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Thread: QS 8.1 Telnet Bug or User?

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    QS 8.1 Telnet Bug or User?

    Here is a telnet command and results from a QS Processor after updating to 8.1:

    Displays the monitoring state for Monitoring Types within the database.
    Usages: ?MONITORING -- Displays the monitoring state for all Monitoring Types
    ?MONITORING, <Type> --ie: "1" to "22" or "255" for ALL>
    --Displays Monitoring Info for the specified Monitoring Type.

    Here are the same results from a RA2 Processor after updating it to 8.1 as well:

    GNET> ?monitoring
    ~MONITORING, All monitoring Types,
    1 Diagnostic Monitoring = 2,
    2 Event Monitoring = 2,
    3 Button Monitoring = 1,
    4 LED Monitoring = 1,
    5 Zone Monitoring = 1,
    6 Occupancy Monitoring = 1,
    8 Scene Monitoring = 1,
    9 Time Clock Monitoring = 1,
    11 Reply State = 1,
    12 Prompt State = 1,
    16 Sequence Monitoring = 2,
    17 HVAC Monitoring = 1,
    18 Mode Monitoring = 1,
    19 Preset Transfer Monitoring = 2,
    20 L1 Runtime Property Update Monitoring = 2,
    21 L2 Runtime Property Update Monitoring = 2,
    22 Diag Error Monitoring = 2,
    23 Shade Group Monitoring = 1,
    24 Partition wall Monitoring = 2,
    25 System Monitoring = 1,
    26 Hyperion Sensor Grouping Monitoring = 2,

    One of these seems more useful than the other, although a combination of the two might be better. Am I missing something here or is this a bug?

    Tim Carney

  2. #2
    Authorized Lutron Contributor
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Thank you for the commentary. The telnet commands will have slightly different outputs on the RadioRa2 repeater from the HomeWorks QS processor. For the HomeWorks QS ststem, in the software you can go to "Tools->Terminal" screen and it will open a specialized telent session to the processor. Here, you can open the menu for Lutron Commands, expand the Monitoring section, and you would be able to enable or disable any of the monitoring options available for the processor. We will forward along this feedback on the telnet screen, thank you.

  3. #3
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Armando B. View Post

    Thank you for the commentary. The telnet commands will have slightly different outputs on the RadioRa2 repeater from the HomeWorks QS processor. For the HomeWorks QS ststem, in the software you can go to "Tools->Terminal" screen and it will open a specialized telent session to the processor. Here, you can open the menu for Lutron Commands, expand the Monitoring section, and you would be able to enable or disable any of the monitoring options available for the processor. We will forward along this feedback on the telnet screen, thank you.
    I'm not sure if this is a different problem or the same one:
    I am looking to find out the current status of monitoring in QS 8.1.0. When selecting 'get monitoring' I have nothing to select in the drop-down except '?MONITORING' which seems to be a help file. It does not actually display the current state of monitoring.

    Pulled from my terminal screen:
    Monday, January 12 2015 at 08:00:05 - Displays the monitoring state for Monitoring Types within the database.Monday, January 12 2015 at 08:00:05 - Usages: ?MONITORING -- Displays the monitoring state for all Monitoring Types
    Monday, January 12 2015 at 08:00:05 - ?MONITORING, <Type> --ie: "1" to "22" or "255" for ALL>
    --Displays Monitoring Info for the specified Monitoring Type.

    What I'm expecting is to learn the state of each monitoring type.

  4. #4
    Authorized Lutron Contributor
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Thank you for the feedback. We will be changing this in future versions to include the information of all monitoring states like in the Ra2 telnet session you have listed.

  5. #5
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Fwiw, when I try ?MONITORING on a RA2 repeater with 9.2 loaded it DOES NOT provide the current value.

    Instead I get:
    Displays the monitoring state for Monitoring Types within the database.
    ~MONITORING, All monitoring Types,
     1 = Diagnostic Monitoring
     2 = Event Monitoring
     3 = Button Monitoring
     4 = LED Monitoring
     5 = Zone Monitoring
     6 = Occupancy Monitoring
     7 = Photosensor Monitoring
     8 = Scene Monitoring
     9 = Time Clock Monitoring
    10 = System Variable Monitoring
    11 = Reply State
    12 = Prompt State
    14 = Device State Monitoring
    15 = Address Monitoring
    16 = Sequence Monitoring
    17 = HVAC Monitoring
    18 = Mode Monitoring
    19 = Preset Transfer Monitoring
    20 = L1 Runtime Property Update Monitoring
    21 = L2 Runtime Property Update Monitoring
    22 = Diag Error Monitoring
    23 = Shade Group Monitoring
    24 = Partition wall Monitoring
    25 = System Monitoring
    26 = Hyperion Sensor Grouping Monitoring
    Usages:   ?MONITORING -- Displays the monitoring state for all Monitoring Types
              ?MONITORING, <Type>  --ie: "1" to "22" or "255" for ALL>
                      --Displays Monitoring Info for the specified Monitoring Type.
    Instead I have to use ?MONITORING,255 and that returns:


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