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Thread: Programming Shade Presets For Drapery Tracks

  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Question Programming Shade Presets For Drapery Tracks

    This question is based on Designer version 6.2.0

    So I am installing some drapery tracks into a client's home and I need to integrate them into his existing QS system. These drapes will be controlled via RF.

    I define the shade group in the "design" tab as a "Shade Type" of "Drapery Track" with the "Communication Type" as "RF"..ok, that makes perfect sense and is exactly what I want.

    When I go to the "program" tab to setup the "shade presets", all that is on that page is "Raise/Lower Position" and "Lift", which is useless for a drapery track.

    I would expect that if you define the shade type as "Drapery Track" then Raise/Lower/Lift would be replaced by open/close left/right/center depending if the draw was left/right/center (that would imply that there would be multiple types of drapes depending on the draw-type was being installed).

    How should I proceed on defining/programming drapes? Is this fixed in 7.3.0+?

  2. #2
    Authorized Lutron Contributor
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Thank you for the feedback on how to improve the labeling in the software.

    Please be aware, the "raise" label leads the shade to "open", and the "Lower" label leads the shade to "close". 100% indicates the drapes will be fully open (drape closest to the motor, at open limit). 100% means that the shade will allow 100% light go through. At 0%, it will indicate the drape is fully closed and 0% of light is allowed to pass through.

    The shade presets you will be referencing will be on the leftmost column: Open, preset 1, preset 2, preset 3, and Close. You can rename these, and add or remove presets. Each of these presets can be given a percentage value by adjusting the Raise/Lower position or Lift. When you press the "set" button, it will change the percentage that preset will sent the shades.

    For a "center" preset, you can rename or user one of the preset 1 - preset 3 options and have the drape go to 50%.

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Oct 2013
    ok, so for a 50% open with a center draw drape, does that imply that each side opens half-way?

  4. #4
    Authorized Lutron Contributor
    Join Date
    May 2013
    That is correct, the drape will open halfway to the left and right ends.

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