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Thread: Four heatmiser wifi thermostats

  1. #1

    Four heatmiser wifi thermostats

    I can't seem to get these four thermostats to work at the same time.

    They are all visible on the network. The IPs and PINs are correctly set.

    Two thermostats work and two don't. I mean they can't be controlled from the QS.

  2. #2
    Authorized Lutron Contributor
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by mehuneau View Post
    I can't seem to get these four thermostats to work at the same time.

    They are all visible on the network. The IPs and PINs are correctly set.

    Two thermostats work and two don't. I mean they can't be controlled from the QS.

    Attached for reference is the Heatmiser guide for use in HomeWorks QS.

    In order to best help with this issue, please provide us with the following below. If the files are too large to add in the forum post, please email them to and reference this post.

    - What version of HomeWorks QS? We would recommend using 8.0.0
    - Are they all addressed to an Ethernet link?
    - How many processors do you have? Please be aware, if you have the Remote Access feature enabled on a processor, this processor can only accept up to 3 outbound connections. If the remote access feature is disabled, the processor can accept 5 outbound connections.
    - Connect to the processor in "Tools->Terminal". Press buttons to control all four 3rd party HVAC zones, then send the command "outboundconnections" in the terminal. Right click on the terminal screen and "save log"
    - When you remove the 2 working Heatmisers, do the other non-working heatmiser units start responding correclty? Test this and also send the command in terminal for "outboundconnections" and save the log again for us to observe any differences.
    - Please provide us a support file of the system
    Attached Files Attached Files

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