Lutron's online forum is a collaborative site for users to discuss technical topics involving Lutron products. While we're excited to hear from you as you share your photos, comments and passion for Lutron products, it's important to note that user postings to this forum are not representative of the opinions of Lutron, nor do we confirm their accuracy.
This website may contain user-submitted content and is for informational use only. Lutron disclaims any and all liability for the accuracy and correctness of content and conduct of any third parties in connection with or related to your use of the site.
Lutron may respond to questions but does not formally provide technical support on the online forum. Any information that is provided by Lutron or Lutron employees is offered on an "AS IS" basis without warranties of any kind.
Lutron cannot monitor every posting or conversation on the forum. However to the extent that Lutron does monitor postings and conversations, Lutron reserves the right to remove part or all of postings that are:
Images posted on the forum can be downloaded for individual use only. No license is granted to use these images for commercial use, redistribution, or other means as set forth herein.
Copyright PolicyUnless you have obtained the prior written consent of the copyright owner, you may not post, modify, distribute, or reproduce in any way copyrighted or other proprietary materials.
Digital Millennium Copyright Act PolicyIf you believe that your copyright or other rights have been infringed, please provide written notice with the following information:
Lutron Electronics Co, Inc. Attn: General Counsel 7200 Suter Road Coopersburg, PA 18036-1299 Email:
We may terminate an account, deny access to the site, remove or modify user submitted content to the site, or terminate any user who is alleged to have infringed the copyright or proprietary rights of another. If the disputed materials were posted by a third party identifiable through reasonable efforts, we will provide reasonable notice to the third party of the charge. If the third party responds with a valid counter-notification, we will provide you with a copy so that you may take any other steps you may consider appropriate.
Lutron's Unsolicited Idea Submission PolicyWhile Lutron appreciates obtaining feedback on its products in order to better serve our customers, neither Lutron, nor its employees, accept or consider unsolicited ideas relating to its business, including ideas relating to new or improved products, technologies or processes, advertising or marketing promotions, or logos, taglines, or product names. Please do not submit any unsolicited ideas or any of your work product to Lutron in any forum, including any social media sites or Lutron websites. The adoption of this policy serves to prevent any disputes or potential misunderstandings that may possibly arise in the event that any individual believes that a Lutron product or other business activity is similar to an idea which has been submitted to Lutron.
In the event that you submit ideas to Lutron in contravention of this policy, you agree that:
The terms set forth above control regardless of any conflicting statements contained in your submission(s).
Product FeedbackLutron does, however, welcome your feedback regarding many areas of Lutron's existing business. Please provide only specific feedback on Lutron's existing products or marketing strategies; do not include any ideas that Lutron's Unsolicited Idea Submission Policy will not permit Lutron to accept or consider.
Links to Third Party SitesThis online forum may contain links to third party sites. Access to any other Internet site linked to this online forum is at the user's own risk and Lutron is not responsible for the accuracy or reliability of any information, data, opinions, advice or statements made on these sites. Lutron provides these links merely as a convenience and the inclusion of such links does not imply an endorsement.